Wednesday 5 February 2014

TB2L8 Can You See What it is Yet?

BA2 breakdown the components of a movie clip by producing a full storyboard


Storyboards allow you to visualise and fine-tune key frames in a shoot before filming or editing.

Why? - Think, Pair, Share...


So what kind of Digital Products do you think would benefit from a design document such as a Timeline Storyboard?

Using the resource: O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Unit 3\TB2 B\Timeline StoryBoard develop a storyboard for a 5 minute movie of your choice.

  1. The theme of the movie can be your choice (action/adventure/sports/rom com etc)
  2. It can be an original idea or a film you have seen
  3. You can develop a 'whole movie' or just the trailer for it, but it must have a coherent storyline
  4. It should last between 4 and 5 minutes
  5. Your designs should be hand drawn
  6. You need to list the time that the scene lasts (and the overall movie time) as well as briefly describing any audio, special effects and scene transition that happens

An example of a hand drawn storyboard

This video may help you!!!

There is a selection of trailers for you to follow, if you need help, in: O:\ICT\GCSE ICT Unit 3\TB2 B\Trailers


Where else have you seen storyboards in use? Discuss in pairs, be prepared to feedback!



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